How much does Fitted Kitchens Widnes Cost?
The average price of a new kitchen installation in the UK costs around £5,000 to £6,000 but these estimates can vary quite drastically depending on what you are looking for. There are several criteria that will determine the final cost of your fitted kitchens Widnes: the installation cost, the number of units, the type of doors, the type of worktop and the type and brand of appliances. Here we will be discussing these aspects of a fitted kitchen to help you better understand the price you would be looking to pay.
Fitted Kitchen Widnes Cost
One of the biggest costs of a fitted kitchen can be the price of the fitting, depending on who you choose. If you were to choose one of the larger chain stores, despite their claims of sales and discounts, you’ll likely end up paying excessively more than you budgeted for. Alternatively, you could choose to hire a builder who will likely take the quote of a larger chain and half the price. Whilst this may seem like the best option, you need to remember that as with anything, you get what you pay for. General builders don’t specialise in high quality kitchen fittings so the results will be average at best.
The best option for any kitchen fitting is always to use a specialist fitter from an independent kitchen showroom. They will often charge you only slightly more than a builder would but will provide you with efficient, high quality workmanship and a superior kitchen finish.
Number of Kitchen Units Cost
The number of units you have in your kitchen will ultimately affect the price. Ten units will cost more than 5 but will not necessarily double the cost.
Type of Doors Fitted Cost
The price of the units will be affected by the type of doors you choose to be fitted. If you choose thin, inexpensive acrylic kitchen doors then the price will inevitably be lower. But, if you are looking to install a painted wood shaker kitchen for example, the cost can increase by thousands despite requiring the same number of doors.
Type of Worktop Cost
Worktops are another key area where the price can vary dramatically depending on your preference. For instance, if you choose a lower price range material such as laminate for your worktop then you are looking to pay in the hundreds. However, if you are looking for something more durable and long lasting such as quartz or granite worktops, you’d be looking to pay thousands.
Type of Appliances Cost
All kitchens have similar appliances such as fridges, microwaves and ovens but not all appliances were created equal. The type of appliance as well as the brand will have a big impact on what you are looking to pay. You could pay hundreds and even thousands more for the same appliance if it is a reputable, higher end branded appliance.
Looking for Fitted Kitchens Widnes? Give us a call today on 01928 575555